Damian Email had served history dutifully the first time; O’ level, A’ level, a degree, a well-earned return to civilian life and since then he’d been able to keeping the past at arms-length, so what could make him take down his text-books and go back?
Resolutely set in the present, the Damian Email series offers readers a new genre; comedy novels about history.

Part 2: the standalone sequel
Was that all there was to success in historybiz; gigs and parties? Damian was a sham, an imposter, and would get found out in time - it was just internet, bravado, and the other thing…. Where was his vocation?
Nowhere to go but up. New skills and a new team for a new historical paradigm: Josephine Tey, Adam of Usk, Froissart and Jean Creton, some roadies to handle the translations, and put together a new show.
Damian Email finds a purpose for his passion and history takes centre stage.

I, autodidact:Aye! Aye!
Part 2: the standalone sequel